MPHGrads Defined:

  • MPH (n., acr.): Master's in Public Health
  • Grads (n., abbrev., colloq.): graduate
  • (awesomeness): helping MPH grads change the world

MPHGrads is a community where MPH-ers like you can:

This is an About Page…

…and I hope you’ve already noticed that MPHGrads is all about you!

I started my public health journey in 2009 when I learned that public health had the tools I needed to do something about the problems I saw in the world. I graduated with a Master’s in public health in 2013 and quickly realized that, although I finally had the skills and knowledge I needed, I still didn’t have the resources or support to find a place to land my altruism (and get paid for it).

That’s why in 2015, I created MPHGrads. This online community is for you and me and for anyone else who is passionate about making a difference using public health. It’s a place where MPH grads can learn, share, and make greater strides in improving the world.

So this About Page really is all about you…and so is MPHGrads. It’s about all of us sharing what we’ve learned in order to help each other succeed. I urge you to take part by joining the discussion on the MPHGrads forum, contributing your expertise in an article, and inviting your public health friends to join us. This community works because of you, and I know that by supporting each other, we can truly make a difference.

I’m Amy Stevenson Wilson, MPH. Thanks for stopping by.

Amy Stevenson Wilson, MPH

We are in this together, so if there is something you'd like to see here that isn't, please let me know. I'd love your feedback and ideas